Virtual Course Logistics
Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) Logisitics
The following page provides guidance to anyone who has registered for a VILT PMU Factory Training event . If you are registered for such an event, please read through these details to prepare for your upcoming training event. Email with any questions or concerns.
What is PMU Factory Training?
PMU Factory Training courses are instructor-led events with pre-defined agendas hosted on specific dates throughout the year available for registration by anyone interested. Students will learn various EPMS topics through a series of presentations and demonstrations, followed by extensive hands-on practice via guided lab exercises.
Made possible by our state-of-the-art virtual training environment, each student will be assigned their own dedicated virtual training lab station, providing them full access to our EPMS software and hardware.
The following document provides course and logistical information specific to Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) events.
Virtual Training Environment
PMU typically uses Microsoft Teams to host our VILT events.
Confirmed registered attendees will receive an email 1-2 business days prior to the course's start date with step-by-step instructions on accessing the VILT event.
Class Times
All VILT events start at 9:00 AM and end at 4 PM CT daily, unless otherwise indicated during the registration process or the event.
We highly recommend logging into the VILT event at 8:45 AM CT each day to ensure there are no connection issues. Instructors will be available to assist as needed.
There will be a 1-hour break for lunch and several shorter breaks provided as needed throughout the day.
VILT Preparation
Familiarity with Microsoft Teams is suggested.
A “good” internet connection is required. Please test your connection with a “speed test” type tool available on the internet.
A comfortable and quiet place with minimal background noise to sit/stand/work is suggested.
A second monitor is highly recommended as this will allow you to follow along with lab instructions or demos while also accessing the training environment.
It is also recommended to use a headset with a microphone to eliminate background noise and easily communicate any questions you may have during training.
VILT Participation
Logging onto the meeting platform on the first day counts as your attendance.
Students are expected to have their cameras turned on and actively participate in the course, complete all lab exercises, answer questions, etc.
Upon Completion
All registered students who have successfully completed a Factory PMU Training event will receive a certificate of completion within 10 business days from the last day of class. This certificate will contain the CEUs earned for this event.
Note: For our Factory EcoXpert courses that include an associated Certification Exam, this certificate will not be issued until the exam has been passed.
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