PME Elective Series - Configuring Meters and Communication Troubleshooting
Length: 1 Day
As with all our elective series classes, this remote session will cover a specific task, tool or use case as it pertains to the PME platform. Topics will not only be covered with presentation and discussion, but also with practice through a hands-on lab session for the attendees.This course introduces installing and setting up a metering system utilizing PowerLogic and ION hardware. Participants will identify and resolve meter setup issues, CT and PT wiring issues, and meter communication network issues. Participants will examine the capabilities of specific PowerLogic and ION meters and learn how to select the correct meter for different metering points in a facility. The ION Setup Utility will be used to display real-time data tables for the purpose of verifying that CTs and PTs are correctly wired to the meters. The ION Setup Utility will also be used to setup logging and event detection for each meter in the system.
Delivery Type:
Anyone who will be designing, installing, configuring, troubleshooting, or maintaining PowerLogic and ION power meters.Prerequisites:
- Basic computer skills and experience with Microsoft Windows
- Working knowledge and understanding of electrical terminology, concepts, and
calculations, including an understanding of the relationships among current, voltage, power, and power factor in three-phase circuits
Additional Information:
- Determine the capabilities of specific PowerLogic and ION metering Devices
- Use the PowerLogic and ION meter front panels
- Use the ION Setup Utility to troubleshoot CT and PT wiring issues
- Use the ION Setup Utility to modify and save meter configurations
- Troubleshoot meter wiring and communication issues